Morello Tweet Spurs Springsteen New Album Rumors

Pete Chianca

It’s been a while since we’ve had a really good Springsteen rumor — the Fenway stop was the last one we reported on, and we were right, boo-ya! — but the latest buzz is extremely, well, buzzy: Could a new album already be mostly in the can?

The chatter has indicated that Bruce would take a break after the scheduled September dates to put the finishing touches on a more guitar-heavy disc that’s been coming together during the short breaks during the Wrecking Ball tour. Of course, chatter doesn’t necessarily mean anything — once upon a time it led to Arcade at Night — but then there was this June 29 Tweet from Tom Morello:

Laying down solos on an iconic rapper’s and an iconic rocker’s new albums in the same day. Pumped up for power shredding.

Let’s face it, what other iconic rockers does Tom Morello know? The man’s practically a recluse. (Guessing.)

Now, this is what is known in the Springsteen community as a double-edged sword

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. On the one hand, a new album this fall or early winter could mean another whole year-plus of touring on its heels. On the other hand, the last time Bruce rushed out an album to keep touring, “Queen of the Supermarket” was foisted on an unsuspecting populace. So there’s that.

So what have you heard about a potential new Springsteen album? Meanwhile, stay tuned here for further unverifiable developments as they (allegedly) happen.

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